Allenamento neuroreattivo per il settore medico
Reaxing progetta e produce soluzioni premium complete per l'allenamento neuroreattivo nel mondo medico. Soluzioni cognitive, propriocettive e neurofunzionali per ottenere longevità, riabilitazione neuromotoria e cognitiva.
Prevenire patologie, rallentare l'invecchiamento e riabilitazione: questi sono i nostri obiettivi.

In campo medico, Reaxing può essere considerato una nuova frontiera per la lotta all’invecchiamento, il recupero funzionale e la prevenzione degli infortuni.
- Miglioramento della risposta neuromotoria
- Miglioramento della competenza dinamica del movimento
- Miglioramento delle capacità cognitive
- Riduzione dei rischi di nuovi infortuni
- Miglior recupero e rieducazione funzionale post-infortuni
la scienza dice
validazione scientifica internazionale
"As a practicing Doctor of Physical Therapist and Exercise Physiologist I have found a void in rehabilitation of those recovering from both orthopedic, neurological, and neurodevelopmental impairments.
The Reaxing products place a more realistic demand on the body and create an adaptive intervention that translates into real world experiences."
Richard S. Katz
Richard Katz, PT, DPT, MA
President, California Physical Therapy Association
"I believe Reaxing has the equipment, engineering, creativity, business acumen, and leadership to fulfill these needs in collaboration with subject matter experts and researchers. I fully support Reaxing in the efforts to evolve, and look forward to being a part of growing their impact in facilitating a more unpredictable training experience for a safer and healthier world.”
Ryan Glatt
Pacific Neuroscience
"REAXING Products are among our favorite and most effective of all of the ones we use in our NeuroMotor Training LLC clinic! The REAXING Board is a game changing tool that takes exercises typically done on the floor, to the board. The dynamic, randomized movement of the Board offers the opportunity to challenge and entrain dynamic stability and competence. Our patients living with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders find it to be challenging, versatile, highly beneficial, and fun!”
Karl Sterling
CEO NeuroMotor Training, LLC
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