Sudden Dynamic Impulses
From the movement observation of the everyday life, we have been able to understand that traditional trainings performed in gyms are missing an important component: the unpredictability.
Traditional trainings are based on the repetition of predictable, repetitive and constant motor gestures, often performed in conditions of total stability, which do not prepare us for the real needs of life and of the sports we practice.
From this movement observation was born the Reaxing technology named SUDDEN DYNAMIC IMPULSE.
Unpredictability is the keyword behind Reaxing’s methodology and technology. Everything we do when we train is absolutely predictable, constant and predetermined. In life and therefore in sport, what happens when we move is neither predictable nor constant. Doesn’t it seem to you that there is an important element missing in the way you train?
Both in our ordinary lives and when we play sport, we interact with a world in constant movement, so we need to train to react. Being prepared for unpredictable and dynamic situations means being able to improve performance and prevent injuries. This means that we have to be ready to react to any unplanned inconvenience that might happen in our everyday life and while we play sport. The aim is to forge more efficient motor skills.
Our sensory system allows us to react to any sudden impulse that derives from the environment in which we live. The impulses received by our senses are processed by the nervous system which organizes and manages the movement of our body. Therefore, it is essential to involve and stimulate our nervous system with unpredictable impulses, in order to obtain quicker motor responses, and so, improving our dynamic competence. We have divided the impulses in two main categories: interferences (or perturbations) and stimuli (visual, sound and tactile).
The Reaxing patented technology created for generating sudden motor interferences or perturbations on a treadmill (Run) or on a training platform (Board).
It is the Reaxing patented technology created for generating sudden visual stimuli on bright wired or wi-fi satellites (Reax Lights), walls and floors (Reax Lights Pro). The stimuli are finalized at provoking responses by elaborating new motor “solutions”, otherwise named voluntary gestures.
It is the Reaxing technology able to generate unpredictable motor interferences during any isotonic exercise, thanks to the movement of a fluid located inside a very high resistance and anti-shock polymer.